About Me & My Dogs

Io and Jill

I’m Jill Olkoski, the owner of Solo Dogs. I’ve got a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science, and a Master’s in Clinical Psychology. I worked for a large corporation for nearly 20 years, focused on product design, development, and quality. I am now retired from full-time engineering work.

After my dog Sagan passed away in 2015, I started Solo Dogs in 2016 because the staff at Ahimsa Dog Training in Seattle saw a need for safe environment for their clients to board their dog-reactive dogs and fearful dogs while they were away from home. They knew that I had 15 years experience owning and managing a dog-reactive dog, and my Seattle house and yard had been specifically modified to keep a dog-reactive dog safe. My home also had accommodations for geriatric canines with mobility (orthopedic/neurological) and incontinence issues.

Io the day I brought her home

In late 2019, I got Io (pronounced “eye-oh”) who is a Whippet. In many respects, she is the opposite of a bully dog, but the ears are pretty much identical. And she gets cold easily and hates the rain like Sagan did.

Getting her meant that my boarding business, which was predominantly boarding dog-reactive dogs, now needed to shift to accepting dog-friendly dogs only.

As Io went from puppyhood to adulthood, she made her preference for playmates that were her size or smaller, clearly known to me. It is important my boarding business is mindful of her comfort and preferences, therefore I am only accepting small dog-friendly dogs.


Sagan at 3 yrs old

This is a photo of my dog before Io. Her name was Sagan, named after Carl. I had her for 15 years.

She was a gorgeous and powerful Boxer Pitbull mix. She had many wonderful qualities, but unfortunately as she matured she became very dog-selective. She could make doggie friends, but only after a very lengthy and careful introduction process. Walking her anywhere that off-leash dogs were even a remote possibility was extremely stressful for me, including my own neighborhood in Seattle.

I understand how difficult and restrictive life becomes as a dog-reactive dog owner. One of the most difficult aspects, is finding a safe and secure option for caring for your dog when you are traveling. I also know, unfortunately, that if you select the wrong person or business to care for your “special needs” dog, the results can be devastating and life-changing.

Not every dog sitter or boarding business has experience dealing with dogs who must not be allowed, under any circumstances, to come into contact with an unknown dog. My experience keeping my dog Sagan safe and happy for 15 years  left me uniquely qualified to board other “special needs” dogs.  She remains part of the Ahimsa Dog Training family legacy, with their dog training manual featuring her on the cover, and a dog training book also featuring her image as a cartoon.

Without her, I would not have started Solo Dogs.

Sagan on the cover of the Ahimsa Manual and the BAT Book.

My dog, Sagan, on the cover. Love those ears!